루마니아의 칼빈주의 [Calvinism in Romania]

루마니아의 칼빈주의 [Calvinism in Romania]

정홍기 0 1,858 2006.09.01 02:33
A remarkable opportunity for the Romanian Presbyterian Church and Reformed theology

Many of you knew that we have had a remarkable ministry in the former communist country in which the Eastern Orthodox Church dominated the people’s life and custom. As a single missionary from the non-western culture, South Korea, was struggling to build the Presbyterian congregation and reformed theology from nothing. It requires great efforts not only spreading the Gospel but also make known the denominational name.

This afternoon I had an opportunity to present a brochure about the forthcoming conference that I am organizing “Christianity and Society” to the lady who is the administrator of my apartment block. The conference has subtitled on the “Lectures and Discussion on Calvinism and its influences in Culture, Theology and Politics.

“Ah you are a Calvinist; I did not know which denomination you are working. Its looks very attractive, I will try to find out time to join.”

Since last seven years we have been living in same apartment yet there were no one who had asked us what we are doing even we tried to invite some to our service. It is overwork to be known as a distinguished religious denomination from the Mormon or Jehovah’s witnesses because people treat its all as same heresies beside of Orthodox.

It was an ongoing task to inform to this society that we are a traditional, Bible based denomination inherited the sound doctrinal teaching from the perspective of the Calvinism.
Yet, people simply ignore any other religious practice if they do not hear or know.

However with the anxious expectation to join the conference from the Ecumenical Adviser for Christian and Inter-Faith Dialogue in the Department for Foreign Church Relations of the Romanian Patriarchate, We are going to introduce Calvin’s Institute in Romanian version which is like the inauguration of the Calvinism in Romanian society.
“The theme of this meeting, about Calvin’s theology and his influence in culture, theology and policy has a particularly interest for me… I will be present with a great joy… if it is possible, a personal letter of invitation in order to request the blessing of His Beatitude Teoctist, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church for my attending.”

The purpose of this conference is to highlight John Calvin's theology and his influence in culture and political thinking. I believe that reflection on Calvin's spiritual heritage is of great importance since his vision is still very topical, not only in theological matters, but also with respect to state, government and society. In several countries of Western Europe he has been very influential. In the future, when Romania will become a member of the European Union we will undoubtedly get in closer contact with his way of thinking. Therefore I believe that it is very important for any Romanian civil as well as religious practitioners.

Yet such ministry will succeed only with our fellow brother’s prayer. Thus I request to all of you, dear brothers, please send us your sincere prayer that we may grant this opportunity to introduce the Sovereignty of God as well as the biblical standard of our human cultural life. Pray also for the speakers and participants to build a warm fellowship from the various backgrounds of the participants. If you need the outcome please let me know. I attached the program and the speakers’ introduction.

By the way our church planting ministry; Zion, Peace, Victory are steadily establishing with the Romanian leadership which require more effort of prayer. Especially Rev Nicu’s health needs more prayer. The Reformed Theological Institute may appear soon in a new structure.

Cardinal greeting to you all,

In Christ the risen King

Hong Key Chung


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