루마니아 복음 주의 정치인 베노니 아르델레안 목사

루마니아 복음 주의 정치인 베노니 아르델레안 목사

정홍기 0 905 2012.12.27 04:28

1. As an evangelical Christian you are the only in the Romanian senator. What does it mean for the Evangelical political leadership in Romania?


It means a huge responsibility to promote biblical values and principles, but most of all to live a life that will be of a testimony for the Senators of Romania. I am aware of the fact that evangelicals are looking now at me in order to give a direction for Christians that are involved in political arena. I pray and hope to be able to offer the kind of leadership that Romania needs now, combining my training as theologian and politician (having a Ph.D. in Theology and a Ph.D. in Political Science) with my great experience in ministry. My desire is to be a good servant, being able to lead as I obey the Lord.


2. You have been selected as the Secretary of Political Affair Commission, which is extremely important. To be selected you might have a good negotiation together with prayer. How did you make the balance between the prayer and negotiation?


Political life is an adventure that requires lots of prayer. Prayer and negotiation goes together, as only God could protect and open doors. I can’t do more then God permits, so I’ve learned to depend on Him and pray continually. Only by doing that you can have what people call “success”, in fact being God’s will in action. I find so important to trust the Lord and inform His people in order to pray wisely for me. I am all the time aware of a spiritual war going on, and sometime I find myself just praying, as I know only God could make me victorious and find the right resolution. 


3. You have been together with Hog Key for some years of the Christian political movement. How the Chung's collaboration affected your political career? Particularly, How do you see the Chung's implication as evangelical missionary in Romanian political leadership?    


Pastor Chung had been during those years a wonderful friend, a good adviser and a motivator for me. His courage had in fact motivated many others to keep going, to dream and believe that God can do more for Romania. Through some of the conferences he organized, different evangelicals from Romania found out that they pray for the same thing and try to find a solution in seeing the political life being influenced by biblical percepts. Pastor Chung brought together vision, resources, spirituality, motivation and many more, for those that felt God’s call to be active in the political sphere. Pastor Chung is a fantastic missionary into the political arena, and for the years to come, he can greatly influence more people to have an impact in political life of Romania. My wish and prayer is that God will continue to use Pastor Chung, and his wife, to greatly impact Romanian society for the Lord. 




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